People with disabilities make some of the best employees when properly trained and placed.
Top 10 Reasons to Hire People With Disabilities:
Employees with disabilities can ease concerns about labor supply.
People with disabilities have equal or higher job performance ratings, higher retention rates and lower absenteeism.
Employees with disabilities can relate better to customers with disabilities, who represent $1 trillion in annual aggregate consumer spending.
Diverse work groups can create better solutions to business challenges.
People with disabilities are better educated than ever, and are proven to meet and/or exceed challenges.
A person with a disability motivates work groups and increases productivity.
Companies that hire and accommodate people with disabilities in their workplaces can receive tax benefits.
Employing people with disabilities is good for the individual, the business and society. This is a “win-win” strategy.
People with disabilities are motivated by the desire to give something back, and opportunities for personal growth, job flexibility, and social inclusion.
It’s ability, not disability that counts.
With Yakima Specialties Supported Employment Program, your new employee comes with his/her own support team.